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Chinese translation for "after tax income"


Related Translations:
income distribution:  利润分配入息分配;收入分配;收益分配收益分配, 收入分配
after sound:  后声,余声余音
after rolling:  旋转后
after crank:  后曲拐
after polymerization:  后聚合
after hold:  后货舱
draft after:  后吃水
pains after:  产后痛
after spring:  船尾倒缆后倒缆后斜缆尾斜缆艉斜缆
after bundling:  捆扎后
Example Sentences:
1.This article centers on the pursuit of maximization of after tax income . grounded on such as effective tax planning theories and so on , combined with the actual situation of our country , from taxpayer ' s standpoint , it makes researches on tax planning of fixed assets from two aspects both the theory and the practice
2.Aimed at the maximization of after tax income . chapter four began with some problems existing in current tax planning of fixed assets and constructed a new thought frame of tax planning of fixed assets according to the effective tax planning theories , then guided by the above thought frame , this paper studied the practice regarding tax planning of fixed assets from several sectors such as the obtainment , depreciation , continuous payout , operation and disposition of fixed assets to the comprehensive case
Similar Words:
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